State House District 32

Todd Hunter

@Dist32StateRep I want a vote on #TEXIT! Please support the Texas Independence Referendum Act.

Texas Independence Referendum Act
Telephone no.

District Offices

District Office

15217 S. Padre Island Drive, Suite 201, Corpus Christi, TX 78418

Reported Interactions

DateWhat Issue?Interaction TypeInteraction
2021-03-18Texas Independence Referendum ActPhone conversationCalled 361 number on 3/15/21. Left a voice mail message and my call back number. Asked Todd as a member of the State Affairs Committee to support the right for Texans to vote on becoming an independent nation,
2021-03-23Texas Independence Referendum ActPhone conversationChristie Ramires, Todd's District Director, left me a voicemail message on 3/23/21 indicating she would relay my phone request to Rep Hunter on 3/15/21 for Todd, as a member of the State Affairs Committee, to support a hearing of HB1359.
2021-04-08Texas Independence Referendum ActPersonal visitStaffer was aware of the bill. Alex Gamez, staffer, mentioned they too had a bill that has not received a hearing as a rebuttal.
2021-04-08Texas Independence Referendum ActPersonal visitSpoke to staffer. They’re getting a lot of emails about Texit. They don’t know his stance.
2021-04-09Texas Independence Referendum ActPersonal visitStaffer mentioned bills are addressed together with a common theme, i.e. "Theme Week".
2021-04-09Texas Independence Referendum ActPersonal visitMet with office staff, who were polite but had no information they were willing to share. A waste of time.
2021-04-09Texas Independence Referendum ActPersonal visitvisited his office, signed his guest book. We did not get to talk with Rep Hunter and staff could not tell us his stance. We shared our concerns and reminded them that thousands of Texans share our wish to vote on Texit.
2021-04-09Texas Independence Referendum ActPersonal visitOffice staff did not know anything and not very receptive to our visit.
2021-05-04Texas Independence Referendum ActPhone conversationI spoke with his assistant. He was very polite but stated that the Representative had not taken a position. I stated for the record for both him and Senator Hinojosa that it is the right of all Texans to have a voice on this, that I wanted them to co author the bill, and that this was a voting issue. It looks like he and Senator Hinojosa have taken a position though, and it's the wrong one.
2023-03-09Texas Independence Referendum ActPersonal visitMet on 3/6/23 in Capitol office with staffer to request Rep Hunter's support for TIRA. She took good notes on all my talking points. Also spoke with Chief of Staff Angie Flores about Rep. Hunter supporting the will of the people to have a vote on TIRA as Chair of State Affairs. Gave Angie a personal letter to Rep. Hunter along with a draft of the bill, a TEXIT book, and my contact info. She said they would "circle back" to me.
2023-03-16Texas Independence Referendum ActPhone conversationCalled Rep. Hunter's office. Left message with staffer to encourage Rep. Hunter to advance HB3596 for a hearing. Staffer took my info and said would pass to Rep immediately.
2023-03-16Texas Independence Referendum ActPhone conversationLeft a message supporting TEXIT with the person who answered. Asked that the Rep. support it also.
2023-03-21Texas Independence Referendum ActPhone conversationEncouraged Chairman Hunter to advance HB3596 for a hearing as soon as possible. Was asked if I was for or against the bill and I told them 100% in favor. Also shared that I would like an opportunity to testify on this important issue.
2023-03-22Texas Independence Referendum ActPersonal visitOn 3/21/23 at Capitol office handed to Leg. Director personal letter asking Rep. Hunter to schedule a hearing for HB 3596. Office was busy, but remembered me as the "TEXIT" guy. I told her "Short story, need a hearing this time."
2023-03-24Texas Independence Referendum ActPhone conversationSpoke with Todd Hunter's aide and wanted a message left for Rep. Hunter as the State Affairs Committee Chairman to move HB3596 to the Legislative floor for a House hearing and a vote to pass it on to the Senate.
2023-05-10OtherPhone conversationCalled and talked to Staffer and made request to have House State Affairs schedule a hearing for SB 330 related to Texas Grid Security. Staffer noted request and will put into their database.

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