An Opening Day Virtual Townhall with Representative Kyle Biedermann

An Opening Day Virtual Townhall with Representative Kyle Biedermann


  1. I’m Going to say this, What I watched Last Night,(While this was on.), Was the US House Giving a Really Good Example of a TRUE ABUSE of Power. The Democrats could not get a Supermajority Vote, so they kept Recycling the same vote. (Not sure How many times.) But they are SEVERELY Pushing their Socialist agenda. And It was about trying to get President Trump out of office on the US 25th Amendment. Article 4 if I remember right. They continued to fail on the supermajority, then would adopt a Motion to reconsider, Debate, then force a vote AGAIN. 4-5 times that I saw. People…. If you think they won’t do the same when it comes to “Them Damn Texans”, You are sadly Mistaken. They Hate us, They Hate the fact that WE as Texans, have the freedoms that we do, That we have the Economy that we do, That Texans, for the Most part, Love our State, and The fact that they cannot get a “Foothold” here like they do in some other US cities. (Sorry, went on a rant… again. Climbing off of my soapbox now.) What I’m saying is that we need to Seriously hit our reps and state senators. Threaten them with Primaries if you need too. Get. Them. on. Board. Hold their feet to the fire.

    1. We have one. Texas State Guard. The altering of its mission and scope will come after there is a concrete, timely need for it 🙂 We also have a very strong defensive militia in place. Just think about that one, and think about just who went against the Redcoats ~250 years ago.

  2. I have moved my family here from California 4 years ago. There are 10 voters. All conservative. We’ve moved to Texas because in my opinion Texas is the last free state, and my family and I are here to work to keep it that way.
    Please know, not all from California are the loonies that we see in the US House almost everyday.

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