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TNM – Llano Meetup

Meetup | Organized by TNM - Llano

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Thursday, July 18th
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM


The Falls
301 Bessemer Avenue
Llano, Texas 78643

About this event

Join us on Thursday, July 18, 2024, at The Falls in Llano, TX, for an engaging Meetup hosted by the Texas Nationalist Movement. Starting at 6:00 PM, this gathering is a fantastic opportunity for both supporters and newcomers to dive deep into the mission and principles of the TNM. Learn how together, we can strive towards making Texas a free and independent nation once again.

We’re excited to meet in a private room located on the south side of the main building. For your convenience, you can enter through a gate to the left of the main entrance and follow the walkway directly to our meeting space. Alternatively, feel free to enter through the main door, where you can pick up a beverage and snack from the menu and find our meeting space through a door at the left rear of the main area.

This event is particularly special as it marks three years of TNM meetings in Llano. It’s a testament to the growing strength and commitment of our movement. We encourage you to RSVP, bring friends, and be part of this major movement towards Texas independence.

For more details or to confirm your attendance, please reach out to our Local Coordinator, John Bolgiano, at (800) 662-1836 x781. We look forward to seeing you there and discussing how we can collectively work towards a brighter future for Texas.



Will we see you at the TNM – Llano Meetup?

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Upcoming Events

The journey towards Texas independence is a collective effort, and we believe in the power of coming together.

Our upcoming events provide a platform for like-minded Texans to connect, learn, and contribute to the cause. Whether it's a town hall meeting, a TEXIT petition signing event, or a celebration of Texas culture and history, each event brings us one step closer to our goal. Mark your calendars and join us in making a difference. Together, we can shape the future of Texas.

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TNM – Llano Meetup


TNM - Llano


Thursday, July 18th
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM


The Falls
301 Bessemer Avenue
Llano, Texas 78643


"Our mission is to secure and protect the political, cultural and economic independence of the nation of Texas and to restore and protect a constitutional Republic and the inherent rights of the people of Texas."


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