Community Guidelines

Online communities are at their best when participants treat their fellow members with respect and courtesy. Therefore, we ask that you conduct yourself in a civilized manner when participating on this site. The guidelines and rules listed below explain what behavior is expected of you and what behavior you can expect from other members. Note that the following guidelines are not exhaustive and may not address all manner of offensive behavior. As such, the site moderators and administrators shall have full discretion to address any behavior that they feel is inappropriate. Also, suspension or banishment from the organization will always result in the same in regard to site access. Your access to this site is a “privilege” and not a “right.” The Texas Nationalist Movement reserves the right to suspend your access to this site at any time for reasons that include, but are not necessarily limited to, your failure to abide by these guidelines. The Texas Nationalist Movement reserves the right to evaluate each incident on a case by case basis. The actions taken may be more lenient or more severe than those listed under each category. Before posting any kind of information on this site, all users are to read the following rules. These rules are obligatory for all registered users on this site.


1.1 Registration Requirements

In order to hold a valid account on the Texas Nationalist Movement site, registrants must be sixteen (16) years of age or older. Each user is only permitted one account. Users are solely responsible for protecting their accounts from access by others. Users are strongly encouraged to select a hard-to-guess password and not re-use that password on any other sites where it may be read by the owners or administrators of that site. It is highly recommended that members do not share their accounts with others or share their computers used to access the site with others. In case your account is lost or hacked, users are to inform the TNM immediately by calling the TNM Main Office.

1.2 Community purpose

The purpose of the community aspects of this site is to discuss the Texas Nationalist Movement and topics related to our mission, vision, and values, get to know fellow supporters, and to give constructive feedback to the leadership of the Texas Nationalist Movement.

1.3 Responsibility

The Texas Nationalist Movement is not responsible for any user messages posted. The Texas Nationalist Movement does not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message and is not responsible for the contents of any message. The messages express the views of the author of the message, not necessarily the views of the Texas Nationalist Movement. Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact the support staff or moderators immediately using the reporting tools appropriate for the section of the site where the content is located. The Texas Nationalist Movement community moderators have the ability to remove objectionable messages and will make every effort to do so within a reasonable time limit if it is found that removal is necessary. Users agree, through the use of this service, that they will not use this site to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually-oriented, threatening, invasive of a person’s privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law. Users agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by said user or by this board.

1.4 Ban Policy

Violations of these guidelines may lead to users being banned from posting on this site as a temporary or even a permanent suspension of their account.

1.5 Errors reporting

If you encounter any bugs, errors, or glitches throughout the Texas Nationalist Movement website, you may report the issue under the ‘Web Site Issues’ link under ‘Contact’ on the main menu.


2.1 Community etiquette

Users are not allowed to abuse others, make personal attacks or behave disrespectfully.

This prohibition applies to both public threads and private messages (PMs).

Disrespect can include:

1. Flaming

2. Trolling

3. Harassment or Defamatory remarks

4. Profanity, Inappropriate language or abbreviations there of

5. Personal abuse or attacks

6. Derogatory comments. This includes “jokes” in bad taste. This behavior has no place in the Texas Nationalist Movement due to its extremely offensive and inappropriate nature.

7. Excessive Capitalization, font use, or colorization.

If a member is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:

• Be temporarily banned from posting on the TNM site

• Be given a final warning, with any further violations possibly resulting in a permanent ban from the site

2.2 Distribution of real-life information and real-life threats

Postings and discussions which have users’ personal data (such as addresses, telephone numbers, emails, other contact information) – regardless of whether this is their own or that of other users – will be removed. Users who publish this type of content on the site will be warned or suspended by an administrator or a moderator. If a thread or post is in violation of the site rules, users are encouraged to use the report button on the post and provide information as to why the thread or post is in violation. No rude or disrespectful posts to or about any site moderators or TNM leaders, as well as no release of real-life information about moderators or TNM leaders are allowed on this site. Real-life threats include both clear and masked language and/or links to websites containing such language or images, which refers to violence in any capacity.

2.3 Advertising

Users are not allowed to post threads or comments here that advertise or solicit any non-beneficial, non-TNM related businesses, organizations, or websites. Explicit advertising and solicitation in signatures are also prohibited.TNM rules allow discussing other organizations, but it should be discontinued if the character of the discussion turns into a direct promotion of another organization. Any kind of solicitation of or linking to other organizations is not permitted. Also, please do not use images or videos related to organizations other than the TNM on our site.

2.4 Off Topic, spamming and trolling

This category includes:

• Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish

• Creating threads on topics that already exist elsewhere on the site, 

• Off-Topic Posting

• Creating threads/posts for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the site

• Creating threads/posts for the purpose of reporting or discussing any policy violations. Such incidences are to be directed to the proper channels on the site

• Causing disturbances in threads, such as picking fights, making off-topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters

• Making non-constructive posts or posts with non-constructive topics

• Abusing the “Reported Post” feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages

• Numbering a thread, posting “First!”, “IBTL” (“in before thread lock”) or any other fad statements

• “Bumping” posts. Some sections may allow “bumping” in moderation, but users are to check the subsection of the group to make sure that it is allowed in that section

• Petition posts or polls that are not aimed at conducting a discussion.

Users should make sure that they post new threads and postings in the appropriate group, and users are asked to familiarize themselves with the groups. This helps other users and moderators maintain an overview and so be able to respond faster with an appropriate answer to questions. Before beginning a new thread, look to see if an active thread on that topic has already been established using the Search feature. If so, place your comments there instead. Keep discussions about one topic to one thread only. Posts that drift off-topic or content-free posts will be edited or removed. Posting multiple messages with the same content across several groups is unwelcome and inappropriate since such activities divide the targeted discussions and makes gathering feedback considerably more difficult. Such ‘cross posts’ will be merged, closed and redirected, or removed. Before beginning a new thread, look to see if an active thread on that topic has already been established using the Search feature. If so, place your comments there instead. Keep discussions about one topic to one thread only.

2.5 Law Violations

This category includes:

1. Posting discussion threads on or linking to site glitches, hacks, trojan horses, or malicious programs. If you suspect that a site glitch or hack exists, provide the necessary information to support, it is not to be discussed elsewhere.

2. Illegal activities. Both clear and masked language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which reference performing illegal activities are prohibited. Users are expected to act lawfully when participating on this site. Posting about or discussing issues that violate laws is not allowed under any circumstance. The administration reserves the right to delete, update or modify any information which is considered inappropriate on this site.

2.6 Discussing disciplinary actions

This category includes:

1. Creating posts or threads to discuss disciplinary actions taken against a member

2. Creating posts or threads to discuss moderators or moderator decisions and actions

2.7 Misinformation

This category includes:

  1. Posts containing factually inaccurate information, whether intentional or unintentional
  2. Posts containing unverifiable information, whether intentional or unintentional

Posts containing misinformation are subject to clarification, moderation, or deletion. If the user repeatedly posts misinformation, they are subject to a temporary or permanent ban. If the information is found, in the judgment of the administrators, to have been posted for the purpose of disruption, confusion, alarm or to upset the general functioning of the organization and community, the offender is subject to an immediate and permanent ban.


3.1 Language

The official language of this site is English. Using other languages may be allowed in special groups only. Transliteration and intentionally distorted or illiterate language are unwelcome.

3.2 Hard-to-Read Posts

Posts that disrupt the community experience for other users, intentional or not, are prohibited. This category includes, but is not limited, to:

  • Conducting conversations in foreign languages, outside designated groups
  • Posting excessively in capital letters, Excessive whitespace or line breaks, or other hard-to-read writing styles
  • Using misleading topic titles, excessive punctuation, and/or non-standard symbols

While posting on this site, users are to be reasonable with font size and color. Stick to the default font size and try to avoid use of text colors different from black. The administration reserves the right to modify inappropriate posts and give warnings to their authors.

3.3 Links and Images

Whenever linking to a website or image or posting an image, be sure to check that they don’t violate any of the rules above. Sites or images that display illegal content, pornography, nudity, gratuitous violence, obscenities, and any other content that goes against the standards of this community will be moderated. In addition to the above, we also request you not post ASCII art (pictures created by using letters and symbols on a keyboard). They are usually quite large and can be misinterpreted based on display issues. The size of files and images referred may not exceed 100 kilobytes (kb).

3.4 Usernames, Avatars, Images/Video, Signatures

Certain content for usernames, avatars, images/video have no place on the TNM site due to their extremely offensive, annoying, or inappropriate nature. The following list is only a summary, but it gives some idea of usernames, images, signatures, avatars which are not accepted with the TNM community: Usernames, Avatars, Images/Video, Signatures…

  • that contain profanity, including its abbreviated form.
  • that contain insults, personal attacks, abuse, or harassment.
  • that contain unprintable words or abbreviations, or which are unattractive and/or unreadable.
  • which either in whole or partly contain copyrighted or registered trademark elements.
  • which have (in any way) racist implications.
  • which contain insults or derogatory comments.
  • which have an association with sexuality, pedophilia, sexual abuse, or have an offensive connection to the human body or bodily functions.
  • which contain nudity, sexually explicit material or content that is otherwise deemed inappropriate.
  • which contain excessive gore or violence, or are obscene/vulgar.
  • which make reference to any illegal activities.
  • that contain Logotypes, symbols, emblems or figures connected in one way or another with organizations that violate or were violating existing laws and rules.
  • that negatively portrays the TNM’s moderators, staff, or administration.
  • which in any other manner violates local laws.

……. either implicitly or explicitly are prohibited (This also contains links to websites containing the above). If usernames, avatars, signatures, images/video on the site violate these rules, the offending account may be changed and/or the accounts may be sanctioned or suspended. Moreover, the administration reserves the right to delete, update or modify any names and avatars, images which are considered inappropriate on the site or within the game environment. Signatures may not exceed two lines. If these limitations are exceeded, then the disruptive elements will be removed without explanation and the offending account may receive sanctions. 


4.1 Administrators and Moderators

Administrators and moderators are TNM volunteers or staff. Their status as such is confirmed by an inscription on their profiles.

4.2 Administrators and Moderator powers

Moderators and Administrators have the right to warn and suspend community members in the case of rules violation, including deletion of posts. Any measures taken by the Administrator or Moderator teams can be appealed by contacting the TNM Main Office, in accordance with the established procedure. Actions taken by administration are not subject to appeal. In some cases, which go beyond the community rules, administrators can warn or suspend a particular member, even if their actions formally don’t fall under the current prohibitions and restrictions. Moderators and Group Administrators are responsible for the content and membership of the areas for which they have been given that status. As such, they can add and remove members and posts at their discretion in accordance with these guidelines.

4.3 Warnings

Warnings and official notifications are set off in red, this font color is reserved for use by staff only. Once a user’s post has been moderated, users are not permitted to edit the notes placed within the post by the staff. Similarly, the impersonation of administration in any way, is not permitted.


The administration reserves the right to update and modify these rules as the needs of the community dictate to ensure the smooth operation of this community. Repeatedly violating any area of these Rules, including the areas detailed above, will often result in permanent suspension from the community. This policy is not language-restrictive. Language that falls under this policy will always be subject to the repercussions listed, whether it is inappropriate in English or any other language. The bottom line is that we want the TNM site to be a fun and safe environment for all members. The Texas Nationalist Movement is a large organization with members from many different places from all walks of life.  While participating in the community aspects of this site, you will encounter thousands of others who share different experiences, come from vastly different backgrounds, and have varying opinions on subjects unrelated to Texas independence. This is why it is essential to keep the focus of the TNM site on the mission, vision and values of the TNM

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